Beth's story: I look forward to exercising for the first time in my life!

Beth Barksby loses 10 stone with the help of Clubbercise

I started Clubbercise whilst I was on maternity leave after having my second child. I had gained weight during my pregnancy and felt lethargic and self-conscious about my body.

My first session, I was so nervous. I walked in and stood right at the back in a corner. When I walked out I had a huge smile on my face and a feeling that I had accomplished something.

My long term goal has been to lose weight and get physically fitter. Clubbercise has helped me to hit this, having now lost a total of 10 stones!

Not only have I lost weight and increased my fitness in leaps and bounds, but my mental wellbeing had also hugely improved.

I look forward to exercise sessions for the first time in my life! It's no longer something I have to force myself to do and I cannot wait until my next session.

I now stand right at the front, with a smile on my face, whooping along and feeling like I am flying.

I cannot thank Clubbercise and the instructors leading the sessions enough.

It has changed my life completely. I now have the energy to run around with my children, and have a space where I can let my hair down and enjoy my me time.

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Meet Michelle: "At 51 I’ve found my fit fam and I’m never going back"

Michelle enjoying Clubbercise with Sallyann

Eight years ago I walked into the back room of a local social club not knowing what to expect, I mean dancing in the dark sounded fun so why not? That’s where my Clubbercise journey began and I’ve never looked back.

Then two years ago, my daughter (who was 11 at the time) was admitted to hospital with an eating disorder. Since then she's suffered with severe anxiety and depression as well as her being autistic.

Life has been tough in the last couple of years and my mental health has suffered but I truly believe it is going to class that has kept me sane.

My instructor Sallyann is amazing! She is supportive, fun and always full of so much energy it’s infectious. I’ve met some lovely friends through going to class and we are truly a ‘fit fam’.

I still have really rough weeks at home but when I get to class and the music starts all the stress disappears.

I can sing and dance to my hearts' content and like Sallyann says "You're 18, you're single and you're in Ibiza" and that’s exactly how it feels!

I now go twice a week to Clubbercise and do Sallyanns classes on the other nights.The feeling's addictive.

At 51 I feel I’ve found my fit fam and I’m never going back.

Jo's journey: "I came off medication and my mental health improved too"

Jo and the rest of her Clubbers

In July 2018 I was lucky enough to be able to take early retirement at 55. At that point, I was very overweight and very unfit.

My health was considered high risk with high blood pressure (family trait) and type 2 diabetes.

If I was to enjoy my life in retirement, I had to seriously do something about it!

The thought of going to a gym filled me with terror and the thought of donning a swimsuit and going to a public pool equally terrified me!

I have 2 dogs so I started walking... Until the vet told me I had to cut back their walks! What was I to do?

Then one day I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a post for a Clubbercise class near me. I’d never heard of it before - a cardio class, to dance music and glow sticks, in the dark! It sounded perfect. So I decided to give it a go.

I went to my first class on my own, nervous about what to expect and terrified I’d need a defibrillator at the end of the class!

But I needn’t have worried. I was greeted with such welcoming friendliness. The instructor, Emma, took me through the health and safety side of things and made sure I understood that I could take things at my own pace and not to worry if I was going wrong, as long as I was moving and having fun.

Paula, one of the other participants, kept checking on me.

I survived my first class and absolutely loved it. I was on such a high and felt so energised. Something I hadn’t felt in such a long time.

I had started Slimming World around the same time as my new found love for Clubbercise and I managed to lose 3.5 stone and 5 clothes sizes.

Wow, I never imagined any of that.

More importantly, the health benefits were amazing. I came off one set of diabetic medication and reduced another and my BP became more regulated. Not only my physical health but my mental health improved too.

This year it will be 6 years since I started my Clubbercise journey and I still do a double class every week (wish I could do more!).

I have made some lifelong friends through the classes and will continue with my journey as long as I can.

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Meet Racheal: A nurse who loved classes so much she became an instructor!

 Racheal and her Clubbers

In my 20s and 30s exercise was not on my radar at all.

I had tried a few things but nothing was enjoyable and besides, I was a nurse, on my feet all day - that was enough exercise right?

And after being overweight most of my life I'd got myself down to a sensible weight without doing any exercise at all. I kidded myself that was enough.

After turning 40 though I realised that I should probably start doing some form of regular exercise to keep healthy.

A work colleague asked me if I wanted to go to a local Clubbercise class with her and I found myself saying yes even though I'd never heard of it.

An exercise class taught in the dark with disco lights and glow sticks and a playlist of my favourite music - I was intrigued!!

I was so nervous for that first class but the instructor was really lovely and after we had got our glowsticks we made our way to the back of the room.

I remember watching the instructor on stage and thinking; 'what is that crazy woman doing?!'

I was so uncoordinated and completely out of time but I loved every minute!

The music was so uplifting and no-one could see my bright red face! My love of music kept me going back week after week and I realised that you can learn coordination.

Six months later the instructor moved out of the area and it was a few months before someone else took over but I was back as soon as classes started again and raring to go.

That was nearly 7 years ago and Clubbercise has become a huge part of my life. I've moved from the back to the front of the class and become great friends with the instructor and some of the other regulars.

During the pandemic I did online classes. Working as a nurse at that time was tough but doing Clubbercise helped me mentally and kept me sane.

In September 2021 my instructor asked me if I would think about becoming an instructor myself.

Initially I thanked her for the compliment but said there was no way I could get up on stage in front of all those people and lead them.

But, she planted a seed and the more I thought about it the more I thought; 'I could do this!'.

A year later I did my online training.

The first time I got up on that stage to take a class I was so nervous I felt sick, this was hugely out of my comfort zone. But, once the music started those nerves dissipated and I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would.

One year on and I've just celebrated my first 'Clubberversary'.

Classes are going really well and I've introduced Clubbercise to a lot of people who had never heard of it before.

I am now that 'crazy woman'! I couldn't have done it without my 'Clubberfam' though - in them I have found a tribe so strong and supportive.

My mission now is simple - I just want everyone to love Clubbercise like I do!

Racheal's Facebook page - Clubbercise with Racheal in Peterborough

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